

WILD FOOD WALK year long course reviews


“A completely life-changing experience. Learning with Ffyona takes you on a wonder-filled journey back to our rightful, wild home. Thank you for everything, it means more than I can ever put into words.” Tamara Colechester


“Ffyona’s course has had an enormous impact on me. Ffyona has awakened my senses to the spectacular beauty and abundance. I feel truly privileged to have shared this experience with such a wonderful group of people over ten weekends of this year. I will never forget my 50th year now!” Bernadette Thomas


“A magical journey through the seasons and Mother Nature’s generous bounty, each season holding a myriad of tasty and nutritious delights. A way of connection and finding our true place in nature. Through Ffyona's teaching style I feel confident in my identification of them and where to look, not only that but I have gained a hunter-gatherer tribe with whom I shared the journey. A truly wonderful year.” Olivia Goodman


“Ffyona's year long course is a joy. Every month I looked forward to reconnecting with some amazing and interesting people, discovering a new place in Devon to fall in love with, and building on a magical connection with nature that will stay with me forever.” Amanda Holden


“Following Ffyona through the Ring of the Wild Food Year was a transformational experience. My relationship with the food on my plate and to the wild plants and the land they grow in will never be the same. I see both their world and mine very differently now. Thank you so much.”  Jenny Chapman


“Thank you for re-introducing me to the wonders of the natural world. This has been a life changing course that has started my own journey to self-discovery. This course enabled me to tap into inner strengths I never knew existed. I can feel the wildness re-awaken my soul.” Lowrian Williams


“Ffyona Campbell's Year Long Wild Food course has changed and enriched my life in ways I cannot describe. She is a powerful mentor teaching the old ways of our ancestors , The course is full of surprises and is paved with endless magic all the way through, which, after 7 years of learning bushcraft, is the one subject that now tantalises me most!” Johnny Tidd


“Every time I see a waxing moon I think of the many happy hours spent with Ffyona and my fellow 'hunter-gatherers in training'. Ffyona's course is an extremely enriching experience. A rare opportunity to deeply immerse yourself in the gifts of nature through the changing seasons. You will come away with a knowledge and understanding of how to gather and prepare wild greens, roots, nuts, berries, fruits, seaweeds and mushrooms. And you will never be the same again.....” Ben West


WILD FOOD WALK day courses reviews


5 August 2016

Thank you for such an inspirational, magical and soul enriching walk last Sunday, I have come back to Wales truly inspired. Just ordered your book and it arrived today. Looking forward to learning more about these beautiful sea beings. Much love from Wales.

Lawrian xxx


18 December 2015

The wisdom in Ffyona's teachings anchors deep self confidence in trusting ones own ways of knowing when going into the unknown, as well as receiving intuitive info from life...beautiful guiding sign posts from someone who has trail blazed and encourages others to do so.

Jamie Grace Davies


14 September 2015

The seaweed walk was fantastic - it was a great follow on from your Spring Walk which allowed the penny to drop on how things work in respect to wild food :) One way I thought of it- was when the tide goes out, it's as if the earth has opened the cupboard full of food :)  The silence of everyone on the walk with only the sound of the wind and the ocean was just bliss, when we all sat down at the end on the beach looking at the plants - Me and Julie felt like we we were a million miles from any where and our group was the only form of civilization. The nutritional information on the seaweed was excellent. 

Absolutely worth the drive from the Midlands.  We will be back.

Kevin Talbot


14 September 2015

Thanks so much for the seaweed walk Ffyona, I really enjoyed it, and have a huge pot of soup that should last for days! I particularly enjoyed the silence - I find talking to strangers en masse exhausting, and not having to do it, and just being in their company, was really restful.



4 September 2015

Hi Ffyona

A rather belated thank you for an inspirational day with you on the

rocks at East Prawle.  I have always enjoyed gathering wild food but you
gave it an added dimension.  I loved the fact that we did the gathering
of seaweed in silence which helped one to focus and enjoy the amazing
colours and shapes and really appreciate the scenery.  I came home
energised and excited and immediately set too to make seaweed and tomato
soup.  Delicious.  Even my Spanish lodger had to admit it was good!
I hope to join you soon for another session on Autumn gathering. 
Thanks again and blessings
Wendy  (Douglas)


2 September 2015

Dearest Ffyona,

What a wonderful event our Wild Food Walk was on Monday. I can't thank you enough for a vey special experience. 

I have mostly dried my seaweeds and the nibbles you gave us sitting on the rocks were very powerful. Fresh out of the sea is the way for me......! It had a profound effect on me. I lost my appetite for sugar, it gave me energy, my thinking became less foggy and I long to become a dolphin!!!!! All in 24hrs! 

Don't ever give up on us silly, arrogant, complacent individuals. We need you! 

Much love Ffyona

With much respect for who you are, 



31 August 2015

Hi Ffyona,

I can't tell you how special today was - we have been sharing our experience all evening, added seaweed to our curry and made a carrageen moss gel out of the dried weed you gave me last time.  Thank you, dear friend and wise sea goddess, for giving me the gift of your wisdom, the special meditative time walking silently on the soft seaweed and for passing on such important riches.

Miranda Day


Hi Ffyona,

Just wanted to say thank you so much for a wonderful enlightening day which we all enjoyed so so much, am just trying to sort out all my seaweed ready to use hope I remember all the information that you gave us

Will definitely book another walk with you

Thank you 

Beverley Bird 


29 May 2015

Hi Ffyona,

It is always a delight to be in your company and learn from you. I think the course came at the right time as things have been somewhat stressful of late so it was nice to be rejuvenated. I enjoyed a wild salad this eve of primrose leaves and flowers, garlic mustard, pennywort and may flowers which was refreshing. 

Brightest blessings,



17 May 2015


Dear Ffyona

Thank you so much for another magical wild food walk.  I feel so glad to have experienced such a sense of freedom and wonder at the food all around us
and a deep sense of rightness, that this knowledge is our birth right and our reason for being. 

I think the whole way in which you approach the walks with the blessing of the baskets and the silence makes for a deeper and richer experience than I ever expected from a wild food walk and does really make it all feel like the start of a deep and profound journey reconnecting with nature.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 Much love and happy hunter gathering
 Gin x x
 Virginia Methley


8 May 2015

Good morning Ffyona, 

I just wanted to say a big thank you for our experience yesterday. It was everything I had hoped for and more. I was particularly drawn to the story telling at the beginning, it sang very loud to me.

I expect to see you again on other walks.

Once again I want to thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us, we are going off out to the woods shortly with our books in hand to see what we can discover. It feels joyful and like a great freedom has been gifted to us.

Many blessings Ffyona,
Karen x


Dear Ffyona 

Thank you for a very special and profoundly enlightening walk on Sunday.



Dear Ffyona, 

Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in a wonderful journey of discovery last weekend.  Your wild food walk was educational, respectful and fun. My spirits were lifted and my heart opened to new ideas.

Warm regards
Jean Hood 

Thank you Ffyona for the most beautifully inspiring and energizing morning full of learning and a feast for all the senses. Simply, life as it should be...xx
Nikki de Gruchy,

Hi Ffyona,
Jane and I came to your silent walk last Wednesday and both found it amazing.
Jane has collected land cress from her garden and I went to a place close to me where my husband walks the dogs this morning, I collected herb Robert,  Cleavers (already had a cup of tea, tasted good), Hart's Tongue Fern, Primrose leaves and couple of flowers, Pennywort and small amount of stinging nettles.
Both Jane and I would like to do another spring walk with you, have you got some dates in March please.

Thank you Ffyona,
It was a pleasure to come on the walk and I’ve been surprised how much information there was delivered and some of it seems actually to have gone in, in spite of my being blessed with a poor memory! Have tried the wild fruit stock in a beef stew (not wild meat unfortunately), and made beech nut butter. I was also lucky enough to have previously found a small amount of acorns earlier in the year and have made the 'coffee'. I spoke with an elderly lady earlier in the week to ask if she had ever tried it in the war-she said it was popular with the Germans! Ate a slice of the penny bun and have dried the rest. Am looking forward to next year when I that I’ll be able to do some more.
Thanks again, Naomi

Hi Ffyona,
I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful courses. You are quite the inspiration and I feel truly invigorated to continue with my journey on the path of the hunter gatherer.
Many thanks,

Hi Ffyona,
Thank you for such a useful and inspiring walk yesterday. I have to say the Ceps were probably the best thing I've ever tasted: what a gift!

Thanks Ffyona, for yet another wonderful walk through nature.
 I so enjoy being with you when you are so clearly in your element and sharing your knowledge. Elizabeth was enchanted by the whole experience! I'm looking forward to a fungus walk.

Hello Ffyona,
The seaweed walk was such a divine experience which myself and Flora have been putting to great practice often, with all kinds of exciting results!
Thank you so much for teaching us this wonderful knowledge and in such a delightful and memorable way.

Hi Ffyona!
I had the most amazing and inspiring day last Saturday at East Prawle with you! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. The spaghetti seaweed was a big success with my family. I cooked it up with some bass I caught and they are turning into foragers too!

Hi Ffyona,Thanks again for an amazing afternoon, I've already made soup and the gel from the seaweed, I used it on my hair and it's never looked so shiny. Now I'm going to spread the word!
Kind regards,

Hi Ffyona,
I really love the way you teach and the strong feminine energy you bring to your work. Thank you again and Blue skies

Hi Ffyona
Thank you so much for all your input during this week. The Seaweed Wild Food Walk was magic for all of us!  Thank you again for bringing all your beauty and gifts to this world. You are an incredible inspiring woman!

Thanks again Ffyona for a wonderful day - this time at the coast. What fun it was walking in silence out to the water's edge together, and learning about and collecting fresh sea food. We so enjoy your grounded earth-wisdom and appreciate you sharing your deep knowledge of hunter gathering with us. The short times we spend with you are very profound and meaningful moments for our whole family. Julian especially loves being in your company.
Thanks again. Looking forward to mushrooming with you.
Jeremy, Megan and Julian x.

Dear Ffyona
Thank you so much for an amazing 'Seaweed Walk' last Saturday. Alex, Laura and I all really enjoyed the day. We gathered some of the seabeet in the evening and had it for supper - delicious, we all agreed! When we got home we tried shallow frying some of the gut weed - the texture was great but very very salty, should we have rinsed it? Alex said he felt that he would walk the coastal paths with a new awareness for the rest of his life - and I feel the same. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. The location was such a good choice, really magical and your reference to story inspired me too.
Clare Viner

I just wanted to say how much I valued the Seaweed walk yesterday. My very first impression was of a strong woman with clear ideas, ability to communicate them, and with much wisdom to offer. That impression was only confirmed as the afternoon progressed. I confess with mixed feelings of being a little overwhelmed by the information and somewhat in awe at how you had managed to distill so much human eating history and ideas into a (digestible) form!
My dining room table is laid out presently with different types of sea-weed drying (after a day in the sun)! I cooked the 'noodle' sea-weed last night with a sauce - absolutely delicious.

Wow, Ffyona,
The Seaweed Walk was another amazing day… I enjoyed it so much….how you hold the day and explain with so much reverence the wild food.
I cooked the Carrageen Moss and the whole kitchen smelt of “seaside” and I made seaweed spaghetti. Heaven. I had a bath with the Bladderwrack and it smelt and felt wonderful. I used the cooked Carrageen Moss for my hair and my eyelid skin infection… let’s see how it heals. And I felt wonderfully aphrodisiac. I still feel this way. Thank you!

Hi Ffyona,
Thanks so much for a wonderful morning. We both really enjoyed it. It just feels so 'right' to be looking to the natural world for the answers and the directions that we are yearning for and needing. As a new-ish mother, it feels so important to be finding ways to 'remember' all that has been forgotten but which is critical for us to thrive on this planet. Surely one of the most important gifts we can give our children is this knowledge and connection. Your daughter is very blessed to be able to have such early awareness instilled in her.

I just wanted to acknowledge how desperately important your work is and thank you for your hard work in bringing this sacred information to people like me.

Dear Ffyona,
Thank you very much for the wonderful walk yesterday. 
I wish to send you my thanks for all the explanations, descriptions and observations. I went to sleep yesterday remembering the beautiful light shining through the trees, something I often stop to enjoy myself, also trying to remember each plant, description and its medicinal and taste properties.
Thank you too for the beautifully illustrated book.
I hope I can join you on one of the seaside walks later in the year.

Thank you Ffyona
Nat and I enjoyed our morning with you so much. At the end he remarked on how much he'd enjoyed the silence and that he almost didn't want to speak again. I plan on introducing 'silent time' now for occassional walks etc. Personally I find silence really restful and calming.
I've been scouting out the plants close to where I live and have discovered many! Looking forward to the seashore walk

Hi Ffyona,
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the wild food walk with you at the end of March. It’s opened up a new world to me.
I go out almost every day to collect plants for salads and as addition for meals and soups and teas.Thanks for the inspiration, it was a real pleasure to meet you!
Warmest regards,

Thank you so much for the walk Ffyona, it was magic.Until soon again.

Thank you for a wonderful experience this morning.
We all so enjoyed walking in silence, with you as our guide teaching us about the edible bounty around us.It was particularly special having our young son share the experience as he has always had an affinity for the natural world.  At home, we ate the salad for lunch - and savoured every bite! We're so looking forward to our next walk with you.
Jeremy & Julian & Megan.

Hi Ffyona,

I'd just like to send a huge thank you for our walk last Saturday  (19th April) Julie and I really enjoyed the whole walk and found it to be extremely interesting and relaxing. Your way of teaching is excellent. The travel from the Midlands was well worth it and we have discussed travelling down for the Seaweed & Seashore walk.
Many thanks,
Kevin Talbot

“A soul awakening weekend...I will never look at the hedgerows the same again! - so many delicious wild food and edible wild spring flowers. Everything was just perfect. Thank you!”

“Extraordinary weekend.”

I felt and appreciated the deep sensitivity, respect, and dignity with which you drew us into the mystery and truth of this most beautiful 'way'.

I found our Spring Wild Food Walk together nourishing and life-affirming, a continuing homeward bound journey.
Tim Macartney, founder of Embercombe outdoor education centre in Devon

Full of information that is truy amazing and totally wonderful.
Isabel Carlisle, educator and former art critic for The Times

It was phenominal to meet you. In layman's terms you've rocked my world with far more than just mushrooms.
Tria, Devon

Going on a wild food walk with Ffyona Campbell has completely changed my life and that of my family. We are all eating wild food every day and feel much better for it.
Veronica, Devon

Thank you a million times over for sharing your treasure chest/medicine chest and all it's secrets. I am so firmly on this path of discovery towards what it is to be truly human. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Annie, Devon

I just want to tell you how much I loved the seaweed walk and when we went camping I noticed my eyes were often scanning the plants for edibility without me consciously doing it. I feel this is touching and activating something very, very deep inside of me, having also to do with being a woman, but mostly with being a primal creature. I love it. My son also remembers mostly everything that you told us about!

Sylvia, Devon

I had a wonderful time yesterday. Your seaweed walk was so inspiring and your stories of life and how we fit into it were totally amazing, thank you so much.
Emily, Devon

The children have done amazing work since the mushroom walk, they were so inspired by it and completely engrossed, especially the boys.
Anna, Class teacher, Devon

Thank you so much for the walk and talk, it was fascinating and inspiring and we will enjoy passing on what we learned to the children of Fort Apache.
Theo, Devon

I must say how lovely it was to be with you for the afternoon. Certainly it makes for an exciting life to live closer to Nature and to harmonise with her.
Katrina, Devon


"I just read The Hunter-Gatherer Way - thank you - it is beyond words wonderful."
Keri James

“Out of the corner of my eye, I can see The Hunter Gatherer Way poking out of the envelope that it arrived in from my dear friends, Liz and Sefton in Buckfastleigh. It has been read and reread and put back in the envelope to keep it pristine. I feel a shiver go down my spine as I notice it and remember that feeling that I got when I first finished it, like finding that I wasn't alone, or stupid or worthless any more. As if I had found the thread that takes me from this, this mess that we have made back to a time when it wasn't so messy, and in doing so, forward to a time when it won't be so messy again. I see through different eyes now, everything from people playing on the beach, to my children, to my love, and am more at peace knowing what I know, what you have shown me, so carefully and graciously, and without guile. You have tapped me gently on the shoulder and whispered into my ear, "look over here, I think this is what you are looking for and d'you know what, I think you're right! Thank you, Ffyona...”
Simon Medhurst

“I have just read your book 'the hunter gatherer way' and it has been so amazing and eye opening, it was just what I needed to read right now, so thank you so much! I am now desperate to come to Devon and do a wild food walk, so I expect we will meet each other soon. Thank you so much for sharing all your amazing insights.”
Sophie Foxwell

I am reading your book slowly, relishing the many miles and long silences that gave you access to the insights that yielded this knowledge. It's not a long read, but your book is packed with information, insight, and wisdom. More than that....... it feels to me that you have accomplished something quite startling and of enormous potential for our numbed and somewhat saddened 'civilised' society.
Tim Macartney, founder of Embercombe outdoor education centre in Devon

Reading this book was like curling up in my mother's arms as she explained the world to me.
Rebecca Harris

“This isn’t a guide book, it’s a Songline for the hunter-gatherer in us all and it’s lyrical chimes resonate deep within the primitive pathways of our soul.”
Mark Lane, The Wilderness Guide

Having followed Ffyona for years I was beyond excited to hear that she had another book coming out. I'm proud to say I got one of the first copies and it didn't let me down. This lady in on the same level as Bear and Ray, and she brings back to England the experience that she has gathererd from all over the world for you to use in your local area, no matter where you live. Buy it, read it, love it, LIVE IT!
Jeanette from Felixstowe

Ffyona Campbell has written and published a little gem here. It is a book that needs to be absorbed. I almost read it one page at a time, one day at a time. I wanted to keep her insights and stories as a daily treat.Since 18 or so years old, I have enjoyed the collection of books Ffyona released. This new book surpasses anything I would ever have hoped for so many years after those early books. It has impacted on me. This book will seep into you. There is a lot of warm, intuitive and generous knowledge in this book. And as a storyteller, FC is boundless.
Tom Jones

Absolutely wonderful book and very well written. For anybody who wants to get back to basics it is a must read.
Amanda Middleton

I bought this book and it was brilliant! I love how Ffyona opens your senses to her own dreaming of the hunter gatherer. Informative, eye opening and full of depth! Recommend it to everyone who wants to explore through their senses and is interested in the Hunter Gatherer Way. Thanks very much, I really hope to go on one of her walks.

I have read books 10 times as long as this that have given me much less food for thought. One of the first things I've taken is a lesson in greed - that taking too much is a lack of faith in Nature, in being provided for. I now believe that applies to greed in general. There'll be many others as I read and re-read this wonderful book.Thank you for making the flame of curiosity I have in my soul, burn a little brighter.
Anji Doyle

“I love your book! I love how you write more like an indigenous tribal, innocent and direct. I respect how you put your brain to good use, detective style, rooting out what it is you're after.
Clio Wondrausch, artist

"A beautifully put together, descriptive book that really grasps one's imagination. As my philosopher friend Tim Freke would say, a WOW experience!”
Dave Tye, North American Indian

“This book is amazing, the best I have read for a long time. It resonated with me and gave me tingles.
Mia Rose

“I feel like I have stumbled upon something that was deemed insignificant during the height of Earth’s civilization but is now a priceless treasure.”
Tanya Twinkletwitt

As a hunter-gatherer, of sorts, I was sceptical about what this book would give me. I felt the veil had already been lifted. But I was wrong. Ffyona has shown me what has driven me on in my hunter-gatherer journey and has helped articulate what I could not do for myself. In a way she, and this book, has mentored me. Helping me pass through my modern self and into nature again so I can continue my onward journey deeper into its fecund folds.
Mark Lane, The Wilderness Guide

Your book has filled me with hope.”
Hilary-Fay Mellor

As an Anthropologist I've always been more interested in natural and ancient cultures, as I found our own to be very stale and artificial, how wrong I was! I really had no idea how rich and illuminating our own connection to the earth and nature truly was, and still is. What was so lost and buried has been rediscovered.
Susan Cunnah

I love this book. It’s so heart warming and intriguing and exciting and magical.
Catherine Ruddick

There's something deeply ancient about your book. It resonates with my soul. I'm so pleased that I have read your words and will be able to reread them. It's not like a normal book. Read and then forgotten. It's a book to be literally savoured. Your book is far deeper than the words you have written. It's about finding ourselves again.
Michele Brown

Your book was quite simply amazing, informative, enlightening and the inspiration I have been looking for. Beautifully written.
Justine Madeley

I've just read your book and loved it, thank you for sharing your knowledge. As a man I really enjoyed the intuitive and trusting way of your journey, something that can be quite a challenge for me.
Sam Hargreaves

This book is touching something very deep in me. As a herbalist and forager I'm understanding more about how it all connects in the great wheel of life, how in Ffyona's sharp observation and intuitive experience I'm still very much part of my ancient ancestors. I love this book, everything is making so much sense to me now and I feel like I'm joining up the dots. Thank you Ffyona .
Edwina Hodkinson

This book is brilliant!
Hazel Spencer-Chapman, artist

Wow, what an amazing book! Thank you so much, so many new ideas in there. I need to read it again!
Rob Hull, Funky Raw Magazine

Your honesty in writing really resonates, and your words come like a big sigh of relief. It was an absolute delight to read and I will be returning to it again and again.
Katherine Spann

Your book had so many resonances with how I have sought to live my life. You have inspired me to go on and learn even more - I see a life change in the offing. I have always believed we have a lot to learn from our native peoples and I am glad that your book has shown that here in Britain we ARE the native people and can find our way back.”
Claire Nicholls

“I loved every single page of this book. It was an enriching experience and felt like a privilege to read it. A pure glow is present in the writing.” Tom Jones, London

“The best piece of female intuitive writing I have ever read. Nobody has written a book like this. The thinking is as clear as a mountain stream.”
Phil Sheardown, Canoe Adventures,

“I am simply nourished to read this book. It feeds my soul.”
Laura Newman, Infinity Parenting

“An extraordinarily perceptive, intelligent and intuitive book.”
Miranda Day, MA (hons) Oxford

“This book is a little treasure, a refreshing gem of intuitive insight and reflection, a pleasure to read and a wonderful contribution as we all tread our own individual and collective wild journeys.”
Fergus Drennan, Wild Man, Wild Food

“Quite simply it is an authentic voice of a deeply intuitive, thoughtful individual who has carried her share of burden the better to attach herself to mother earth with a straight back and a clear gaze into the future. It is also – importantly – a book for men, written by a woman. There are some uncomfortable ideas that need to be accommodated in man-dom.”
Rory MacPhee, Falassa, Cornwall

Part 4: The Ring of the Wild Food Year has just blown me away. So beautifully written, it speaks to my heart and stirs my wildest (lifestyle) fantasies! I long to have your knowledge and skills.
Jax Higginson

“A fantastic read! The writing is as fresh as a shower of rain. Ffyona has a unique way of facilitating and empowering people to think in a different way.” Simone Wilkie, artist, Shatkiart

“This book is an absolute triumph because it moves our understanding of history away from the world of speculative academic theory into a new paradigm of intuitive and rational understanding. All those history professors around the world must be quaking in their ivory towers to see how you have cleared the fog with your bright rays of common sense!!”
Greg Meanwell, Homeopath

“The images in The Ring of the Wild Food Year, are so beautiful.”
Francis Deutsch, small-holder

“It’s so full of original thought. Most books you read will have some new ideas but mostly you’ll have heard a lot of it before. But this book is original thought from beginning to end.” Caroline Snow, Stoke Gabriel

“After reading this book I can feel my hormones coursing through my blood, I feel very juicy with the wisdom I can feel emanating from the words, from the experiences. I need to talk about this and I want to share this with other women. It makes me feel connected. It’s a missing link. It makes so much sense. This book is going to be very, very popular. People will read it and share it and it will become a household name like the Continuum Concept.”
Laura Newman, Infinity Parenting

“The Hunter-Gatherer Way, is a rich clear look at our essential nature and the ever nourishing interconnected web of life. A very inspiring and deeply beautiful book, so needed.”
Hannah Pearson

“I read this beautiful work immediately after reading an outback survival guide and found many tangents around respect and living in sync. The Hunter-Gatherer Way is a gentle and down to Earth synergy of keen observations, tested theories and the lost art of commonsense. Thank you for your patience, love and curiosity for all that our Earth offers and willingness to share your valuable wisdom and insight.” Terra’Mer Lalirra

Are you are tired of concrete and bottled water and supermarkets full of dubious ready meals? Maybe you want to connect with our beautiful natural world before you are so removed from it that you cannot find a way back. Here lies an antidote to what ails you. Fyona has put forward an inspiring arguement for changing your life, even just a little and the riches that you can realise from it. As an omnivorous species we have been hunter gatherers since the dawn of time. That's a lot of time....and yet farming followed by our recent history of industrialisation has removed us from our HG roots. Over tens of thousands of years our bodies have been honed to eat certain natural foods, liquids and even bacteria....and food and nutrition needs change from season to season. This book harnesses many interesting ideas some of which Ffyona has developed through her contacts with aborigines and tribes in Africa....the writing mixes, facts and ideas with a poetic storytelling style that is captivating. If you have never considered how or what you eat, this book will be an eye opener For anyone who is already travelling down the same path as Ffyona, take is a book that will inspire you on your journey and excite your ideas. Throw off your shoes...go for a walk and find the Hunter gatherer that's been inside you all along
Debs Atthemanse


Talk for Transition Town Totnes

"We had the seats arranged in concentric rings around a ‘firepit’ of candles and in all about 60 of us sat down to listen. Without the overhead lights the drab and utilitarian room became somewhere magical and timeless. I began to relax and really listen.

What I take with me from that night is a reminder that this world is generous to us. It provides for our needs, in all seasons, and when we relax and stop over thinking there is a flow to events that can carry us to unexpected delights, and a renewed confidence that our true needs will always be met.

This is no small thing. We are raised in a culture of scarcity. We are told there is not enough of anything, and so we must compete with each other for what there is, and live in fear of running out of what we need. Environmental activism doesn’t exactly help - we are at peak oil, peak phosphorus, peak everything - and it’s easy to feel a need to hoard against tough times ahead. But when you know that you can walk outside your front door and there will be an abundance of food somewhere nearby, some of the pressure begins to lift and conditioning can fall away, to be replaced by trust. Thank you, Ffyona, for that gift."  

Sophie Galleymore Bird for Transition Town Totnes



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